Hi kids!
Ed here! Today I wanted to share with you a few vocabulary words that are commonly used by people who work with horses. Sometimes it sounds like they have their own language! There is also a fun word search activity for you to complete!
Mare – a female horse
Stallion – a male horse
Gelding – a neutered male horse
Hand – a unit of measurement used to measure the height of a horse. One hand is 4 inches.
Pony – a pony is a horse that is less than 14.2 hands tall (remember, a pony is not a baby horse!)
Foal – a newborn horse
Filly – a young female horse (usually less than 1 year old)
Colt – a young male horse (usually less than 1 year old)
Weanling – a baby horse that no longer needs mom’s milk
Yearling – A horse that is 1 year old
Tack – equipment used to work with horses
Mule – a cross between a horse and a donkey (a donkey is a different species but still in the horse family)
Green horse – an untrained or inexperienced horse
Please ask your parents before downloading the word search activity.